After more than 18 years of marriage, five kids, big dogs, several fish, hamsters and a gecko, we started taking a look at our life...our life with our fabulous five... and the "successes" and "failures" that we had in our life (so far!). As we continued to grow as a family we kept getting pulled into more projects and programs of faith. Men's groups, woman's ministries, small groups, childrens ministry, as well as church safety and security.
This constant pull to give more and to be more with the guideance of our Lord, for our family, friends, and community is what ultimately drove our decisions. The thought that Jesus gives life only by giving His life surrounded thoughts and ideas on a daily basis.
With this "WE" (Peter and Kristen) asked ourselves, how can we give. How can we give the best gift to our kids, the gift of an awesome marriage based in our Lord Jesus? How can we Be About The Lord?
We are in a BATL every day. In our walk through life...our Faith, our Family, our Businesses, and our Involvement. BATL helps provide the armor, the shield and the sword to defend us, our loved ones and the things we hold dear. BATL helps us gain the knowledge, confidence and freedom to succeed. To be a light for the real legacy of our Lord Jesus while here.
Mission: To equip anyone with the ability to become a better Leader
Vision: To provide people with the understanding and knowledge to fully utilize their God-given talents for His significant purpose
Guiding Principles:
•The Lord Jesus is the man
•I am bonded to Him who strengthens me
•I serve to honor Him in all I do, anywhere I do it
•I don't know the answers, only Jesus does. I will go to Him and be patient for answers in His time
•When I get knocked down I will always call upon Jesus for the strength to get back up, and I will
•I am never out of the fight for His kingdom
•He demands my dedication, innovation and the intentional development of myself for His kingdom
•The execution of my duty to our Lord is swift and guided by these principles with the Bible as my manual
We have built a program that seeks to develop the leadership potential in each person. The question is often asked, is leadership born or bread? The answer actually lies in each of us. At the end of your time with BATL Training, you will know the right answer for you.
"Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are - northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever." (Genesis 13:14-15)
So often programs are developed for CEOs, commanders, those in positions of authority, or other executives. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn about and develop their potential. At BATL Training, you will discover how to achieve more than you thought possible.
"Let no man's heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine."
(1 Samuel 17:32)
BATL Training is a journey in development of one self. In doing so, we explore what Jesus Christ has instilled in all of us.
"But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear." (Philippians 1:12-14)
Please come and spend one Friday a month with us in BATL Training.
We are kicking off another Development Group Cohort in the coming months. There is never a or the "right time", so just jump in and trust that the Lord will do his amazing work. There are new folks coming on Teams, there are transitions, partnerships and continued growth… Now is the perfect time. I promise there was a moment when you expressed an interest to make a change or reset your purpose. Please let me know if you can make a commitment and we will do the rest. If so, we will schedule an initial meeting with the participants to get the ball rolling ASAP.
Program Overview
Overall Goal: To keep the burners of Faith, Family, Relationships, and Involvement fired up both personally and professionally. Growth is the value to each person in the cohort, as individuals and part of the faith family. The goals and outcomes have a proven track record to motivate and increase productivity.
Moderators: Peter Freska and Jeramy Clark, with the BATL Team
Guest Speakers: Kristen Freska, John Bibeau, Phil Puhek and more
Structure: Six (6) one day sessions over three to six months. We propose Fridays as there is homework between sessions.
Content: There are several books to read (7 Habits, Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The Leadership Challenge). As well as references to The Maxwell Leadership Bible, Start with Why, and others.
Outcomes: Each Member of the cohort will finish the program with-
There is an old story about Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs. It goes like this...
"Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident."
"Then there are the wolves, and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy."
"Then there are sheepdogs, and I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf."
" Put on the Full Armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the enemy."
(Ephesians 6:11)
Kristen: Over the years Kristen was asked to be our church MOPS Director, a job she loved and pursued with dedication through faith in our Lord Jesus. She did this for four years. After this fulfilling time our family demands required us to reassess this commitment. Our five kids were then 6,5,3,1 and 1... while this was going on "WE" (meaning Peter) decided to pursue a career designation (CEBS) from the Wharton School and then a Masters Degree in Public Health from UCLA, all while working to support the family.
It was nice when it finished, but then "WE" felt the pull to give more so he completed his industry's Leadership In Life Institute (LILI) and then decided to moderates students just like him through the annually held six month program. In the meantime "WE" also took on leading a men's group that meets every week to grow closer to the Lord as men of God, as Husbands, and as Fathers.
Of course our Lord works in mysterious ways, and Kristen pulled "US" back into a position as one of the women leading other women of faith and to faith through a newly formed post-MOPS group called The Gathering at our church.
Then one day at BSF Peter was challenged by the speaker Bob with a question... "what do you regret?" A friend of his answers that question stating that "I only regret that I turned down the opportunity to serve God."
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